Ethical Tea Partnership (ETP)

In 2003, we became the first non-UK company to join ETP. This organization ensures that tea estates follow ethical standards for living and working conditions. It is managed by member companies and reviewed by external auditors from Prince Waterhouse Cooper.

What we look for:
• Social and Environmental Management System
• Occupational Health and Safety
• Community Relations
• Ecosystem Conservation
• Integrated Crop Management
• Wildlife Protection
• Soil Management and
• Water Conservation
• Fair Treatment and Good Working Conditions for Workers
• Integrated Waste Management
" "Responsible Tea Production
Continuous Crop
Tea, herbs, and spices can be grown all year round. This helps workers in developing countries to have a steady income. Tea plants are very strong and can produce leaves for up to 100 years, which saves farmers money and reduces their impact on the environment.

Hand Plucking
Hand-plucking is a special way of harvesting luxury-grade tea and herbs that creates jobs without using much fuel or producing CO2 emissions. It's a specialized skill that makes high-quality teas and helps sustain communities where jobs are scarce.

Tree Plantations
Use renewable materials, like timber and waste from old tea bushes, as fuel for tea dryers. This produces fewer emissions than using fossil fuels. Tea plantations also absorb CO2, helping to reduce the effects of global warming.

Soil Rehabilitation
To keep soil healthy and nutrient-rich, tea farms rotate fields and leave them fallow on a regular schedule. They also minimize chemical inputs to ensure that soil beds remain healthy and productive for years to come.

Pesticides & Fertilizers
We prefers to grow their teas, herbs, and spices without pesticides whenever possible. In some areas, pests that attack tea cannot survive due to high altitudes. While not marked as organic, many of their products are pesticide-free by default. When pesticides are necessary, they ensure growers follow strict standards. They encourage the use of natural fertilizers like nitrogen to promote crop yield and job creation in rural areas. While organic farming is good, it often leads to lower crop yields and a reduction in jobs in developing rural communities."