【METZ Tea 參與公益活動】協助貧困小孩改善生活

Jul 25, 2022

METZ Tea 很高興能夠成為2022年度「摩根士凡利聖雅各盃」高爾夫球慈善賽的期中一個贊助商!我們一直積極投入公益活動, 履行社會責任亦是我們企業文化的核心價值。METZ Tea很榮幸能夠參與在這次活動當中,盡力協助貧困的小孩改善生活。


We at METZ Tea HK are very proud to be one of the sponsors for Morgan Stanley St. James' Cup Charity Golf Tournament 2022! As our company’s social responsibility, it is a privilege and an honour to be able to contribute and be a part of an event and organization that continually endeavours to support and give opportunity to deprived children.

We would like to thanks St. James’ Settlement & all co-organizers for such opportunity and wish the players luck! Looking forward for the event!